Vacuum cleaner with or without a bag: Which is better to choose and why?

When buying a new vacuum cleaner, one of the first questions is: is it better to have a vacuum cleaner with or without a bag? Let’s see both types’ main characteristics, examining their advantages and disadvantages to understand how to choose the best solution for your needs.

The first and the most common question when buying a new vacuum cleaner is whether to opt for a model with or without a bag. Bagless vacuum cleaners are much more popular today. Still, they are not always the best choice. For example, a vacuum cleaner with a bag may be more suitable for allergic or asthmatic subjects.

Regardless of the type, it is good to know that a good vacuum cleaner must guarantee constant suction performance over time. Therefore, before proceeding with the purchase, it is important to know which characteristics to consider, the pros and cons, and be genuinely sure to make the right choice.

A vacuum cleaner with a bag: Advantages

Bagged vacuum cleaners have been around for a long time. They have a special compartment to place the dust bag, which can easily be removed and replaced when full. The main advantages of this type are:

1. A hygienic and anti-allergic choice – Bag models are particularly hygienic. The powder is kept isolated in the special bag, which must not be emptied (as it should with models without a bag) but thrown away.

In this way, you never come into direct contact with the dust and dirt contained. In addition, technological development has made it possible to refine the bag removal technique more and more, making the procedure increasingly simple and safe even for people allergic to dust.

2. HEPA Filters – Not unique to bagged models, but the most popular standard. HEPA filters are recommended for allergies to dust and mites because they can capture up to 99.97% of the microparticles of dirt and dust in the air.

3. Less Maintenance – Bagged vacuum cleaners require less maintenance than bagless ones. On average, the bags are larger than the collection containers, and replacing them very often is unnecessary. Also, the filter is often built into the bag, so there is no need to clean it, and you know exactly when it’s time to replace it.


The models’ negative aspects with bags are mainly two: the bags’ cost and the performance that decreases over time.

1. Cost of spare parts – The bags must be replaced every time they are filled, which results in constant spare parts and a periodic expense for the purchase. The price varies according to the make and model; in some cases, especially for older appliances, they can be difficult to find.

2. Decreasing performance over time – As the bag fills, suction efficiency decreases and can only achieve optimal performance. Also, it can be difficult to know when to empty the bag, but fortunately, the newer models have a fill level indicator.

Bagless vacuum cleaner: Advantages

Bagless vacuums are, first and foremost, easy to use and clean and have several other important benefits:

1. Less expensive in the long run – While some models can be costly, most are done once you buy. There is no need to consider additional expenses to replace the bags and allow you to amortize costs over time.

2. Easy to empty – The collection bins on bagless models are transparent, so it’s straightforward to know when to empty them. Also, the emptying process is very smooth and often presses a button.

3. They are more ecological – The bagless is certainly a more ecological choice than the other type. You don’t throw away hundreds of bags full of dust, but only the container’s contents have practically no environmental impact.


Here too, the most important disadvantages are two:

1. Exposure to allergens – Direct contact with dust, especially when emptying the collection container, can be greater than in bag models. Dirt and dust are not collected in a throwaway bag, and emptying the container can harm allergy sufferers. There are also very advanced bagless vacuum cleaner models on the market, the Dyson, specially designed to allow hygienic emptying of the container.

2. Costs – The latest generation models can also be costly, although it is true that the investment pays off in the long term.

Conclusion: Is a vacuum cleaner with or without a bag better?

As we have seen, both have advantages and disadvantages, and effective models of both types can be found. The choice depends on your needs and preferences; there is no absolute best.

We also remind you to find the two types in a traditional towed vacuum cleaner or electric broom format with or without a bag. Finally, we refer to the guide to learn more about the electric broom or vacuum cleaner issue.

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