The Best Tongue Cleaner in Copper, Steel and Plastic

The tongue cleaner is a medical device for complete and profound oral hygiene. Using the tongue cleansing scraper daily gives us fresh breath, a clean and healthy mouth, and better dental and oral hygiene. Let’s see how it works, how to use the tongue cleaner, and the best ones to buy for everyday cleaning.

Using a toothbrush, mouthwash, and dental floss is not enough to avoid bad breath, plaque, and gingivitis. Even several times a day, brushing your teeth does not eliminate halitosis.

This is caused by the white patina that forms on the tongue, rich in bacteria and volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause a bad odor. In addition, the tongue has a rough surface that retains various substances even after mouthwash and retains the bacteria that proliferate.

Bad breath is not just a social problem. It is also a symptom of poor oral hygiene. Bacteria that lurk in the tongue can cause plaque and aggravate gingivitis, leading to serious problems for the whole dental apparatus. The tongue cleaner is also perfect for smokers for whom the white or yellowish patina on the tongue can become a real problem.

Even cleaning the tongue bypassing the brush is not enough because it would mean dispersing the bacteria throughout the mouth, the same thing to use the clean tongue behind the head of some toothbrushes. So that’s why the only real solution is to use tongue cleaner.

The tongue cleaner or sharp tongue is a scraper that completely removes microbes and bacteria, holds them by lamellas or spatulas, and eliminates them permanently. Using the tongue cleansing scraper daily has another effect: it rediscovers the most delicate flavors.

Poor oral hygiene, smoke, too much salt, or too much sugar change flavors’ perception. Cleaning the tongue every day awakens the taste buds and removes that bitter or sour taste in the mouth. We can thus fully enjoy food and drink, rediscovering their real taste.

There is a tongue cleaner of many forms and types. Being a product to be used daily, we will have to choose an effective tool to make us feel comfortable. Let’s see what important features to evaluate when choosing.

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How to choose a tongue cleaner: Types and Characteristics

To buy the best tongue cleaner, let’s see how to distinguish the numerous items currently on sale.


Among the most-used materials, we find copper and steel. Pure copper has antimicrobial properties and has always been used to construct pulisciligues in Ayurvedic medicine. Even surgical stainless steel has a very high hygienic value and is used in high-quality tongue cleaners. In addition, copper and steel are durable materials and guarantee the polishing machine’s use for years, provided that it is cleaned correctly for every use under hot water.


We distinguish the puliscilingua from the form. The most modern ones have the same grip as the brush, only that the scraper has in the head in plastic or steel. This is the easiest model to use for those who are not practical. The similarity with the toothbrush makes things simpler.

Other models of vacuum cleaners are equipped with a U-shaped steel or copper cable. Sometimes, they have a greater width to remove residues without returning to the tongue in the central part. In addition, they are held in two hands and allow cleaning a larger surface in one pass.

Finally, we have models, often made of plastic, with a single handle attached to an oval. In practice, a set of the two previous models. I clean plastic tongue or rubber, especially if colored, are ideal for educating children for use. There is also cleaning for young children in the shape of a lollipop or small heart, a small game to convince them to collaborate.

How to use the tongue cleaner

The clean tongue is used daily, preferably in the morning. During the night, saliva production lowering allows bacteria’s proliferation (even if we brush our teeth). This is the cause of the more pronounced whitish patina in the morning.

Whatever the tongue cleaner’s shape, we proceed from the tongue’s bottom towards the tip, with a single movement without detaching the instrument from the tongue. Rinse the cleaner under running water and repeat the operation 3 or 4 times or in any case until the whitish patina is visibly reduced.

Finally, rinse your mouth. Should always dry the scrubbers well after washing. Particular care must be given to those in copper, as they tend to oxidize with humidity. Periodically, the tongue cleaner can be sanitized in boiling water for about ten minutes.

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The best tongue cleaner to buy for a clean tongue

Below, the 10 best tongue cleaner selection includes a price range between $5 and $15.

Product prices and availability are subject to change. Therefore, any price and availability information displayed on Amazon at the time of purchase will apply to purchasing any products.

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