Hyaluronic Acid: The different uses that are made at a therapeutic and cosmetic level

Here are why hyaluronic-based products can bring beneficial effects in favor of the skin and the body. Hyaluronic acid has multiple properties, such as safeguarding the skin from the harmful effects of photoaging and oxidative aging and counteracting various pathologies affecting the joints and nervous system.

It is a mucopolysaccharide already naturally present in the epidermis components and is responsible for nourishing the cells and providing firmness and firmness to the face’s skin.

Its uses in the cosmetic field are now well-known to all. Still, many do not know that the substance is not limited to bringing benefits to the skin but also performs other important functions for our body’s well-being.

In addition to stimulating collagen production and increasing the plasticity of connective tissues, the best hyaluronic acid protects us from the attack of viruses and bacteria and has numerous cicatricial and anti-inflammatory properties.

A premise is essential: before embarking on any treatment based on hyaluronic acid, it is a good idea to consult your doctor or a dermatologist, who will certainly be able to give you the necessary information to identify the most suitable product for your case, in so you can use it safely.

Having said that, sure that most of you will follow our advice, let’s now analyze in detail all the possible uses of this ” miraculous ” substance on everyone’s lips today.

Moisturizes the skin and reduces wrinkles

One of the best-known and most frequent uses is cosmetic. It can be found as an excipient in many moisturizing creams and serums or hyaluronic acid fillers, to be injected into the areas of the face most subject to sagging to counteract the signs of skin aging.

The substance’s primary function is to slow down and reduce progressive cellular aging. In addition, it can penetrate the connective tissue’s deeper layers to nourish and hydrate the skin cells, thus being encouraged them to self-repair and regain compactness and lost elasticity.

Those who want to obtain plump and luminous skin should always use cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid, especially after thirty, i.e., when the spontaneous production of the substance by skin cells slowly begins to decrease, with the consequent appearance of wrinkles and various imperfections.

The nourishing and humectant action of the molecule prevents the skin from drying out. In addition, it manages to retain the water particles and the necessary moisture so that the dermis does not lose tone and elasticity, to obtain deep hydration.

You can also make homemade treatments by combining pure hyaluronic acid with your favorite face cream to guarantee a more effective and lasting anti-aging effect.

Contrasts osteoarthritis and promotes joint well-being

Did you know that hyaluronic acid also aims to safeguard the health and well-being of our joints? One of the many uses of the molecule concerns the connection point between the contiguous bone structure’s mobile or fixed joints.

Hyaluronic acid’s effect in these cases is to fill the cartilage areas to reduce joint problems, which will be suitably lubricated and more resistant.

Precisely for this reason, it is beneficial for combating osteoarthritis and all those diseases that occur due to surgical interventions, such as those affecting the knee or hip joints.

Not surprisingly, several users who suffer from knee osteoarthritis have found effective improvements after undergoing hyaluronic acid treatments, thus carrying out all normal daily activities and preventing further cartilage tissue degradation.

Given, then, that with advancing age, the bones tend to become more fragile and decalcify, several experts recommend using the molecule as a preventive therapy to reduce pain significantly and, at the same time, improve mobility. Thus, reducing the mechanical stress the joints are subjected to during senescence.

Against acne and skin scars

Among the many benefits of hyaluronic acid, we also find that making skin scars less evident, including those caused by acne.

In these cases, the molecule is used as an active ingredient in various healing products to treat sores, ulcers, burns, and dermatological lesions that contaminate the face’s most delicate areas.

It is sufficient to go to the pharmacy or contact one of the many physical stores or on the web to buy an excellent healing hyaluronic acid in the form of gauze or ointment to be applied directly to the wound. This way, it will be possible to speed up the healing process and promote the lesion’s re-epithelialization.

Other effects on the organism

As we have already pointed out, hyaluronic acid is already present in different body areas, not only at the epidermal level. In addition, it is found in the connective tissue and the joint fluid, so it is clear that its benefits are not limited only to the skin of the face but also to the rest of the body, significantly improving the general state of health.

There are also supplements based on the substance on the market, aiming to stimulate collagen and connective tissue formation, strengthen the body’s immune defenses, and protect it from attack by viruses and bacteria.

Also present in the eye’s vitreous humor, in ophthalmology, the molecule is appreciated for its moisturizing capacity and the pseudoplastic effect very similar to that of the soluble mucins of the tear film. Moreover, it is used to formulate different eye drops that allow the lubrication of the entire ocular surface.

Intake and Dosage

Hyaluronic acid can be taken orally as a supplement or drug, applied topically, or injected directly into the area of interest. Still, the dosage and frequency vary according to the type of use. Which it is intended for.

For example, one should take hyaluronic acid supplements every day for a period not exceeding three months unless otherwise indicated on the label. At the same time, a doctor or a specialist must always prescribe its use as a drug.

As for intraarticular injections to treat knee or hip osteoarthritis cases, three or five infiltrations are usually sufficient to see the first benefits. Other areas where hyaluronic acid injections are successful are veterinary medicine and plastic and aesthetic surgery. Still, even in these cases, the treatment must strictly comply with the doctor’s instructions.

This is different in creams, serums, and other cosmetics for topical and external use since it will be sufficient to respect the methods of use indicated on the label or the package.

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