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The Best Electric Toothbrush for Perfect Oral Hygiene

Electric Toothbrush

Compared to the traditional toothbrush, an electric toothbrush is more powerful and powerful and allows excellent results to be obtained in less time and effortlessly.

Unlike the manual toothbrush is equipped with an internal timer. As a result, we will always have the certainty of dedicating the right brushing time, something that often, in a hurry or out of laziness, tends to speed up sanitary and unhealthy hygiene.

In recent years, the spread of electric models has grown a lot, and on the market, endless varieties of characteristics and prices have proliferated. Those really good, though, are few. Here are what they are and how to choose an electric toothbrush.

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How to choose an electric toothbrush: Types and Characteristics

The first thing to look into an electric toothbrush is a type of movement performed by a head, which directly affects a toothbrush’s effectiveness. Some models can perform only one type of movement, while others have the ability to combine multiple movements. Specifically, these are movements :

Generally, sonic toothbrushes are more effective because they work at higher speeds, with about 40,000 passes per minute versus 3,000-8,000 of those with rotating heads.

In addition to the type of movement, there are also other factors to take into account in the purchase, which are :

How to use the electric toothbrush correctly.

It is no longer necessary to rub the teeth (with often incorrect movements): pass on the dental arch and let the head do the rest’s rotary and oscillating movement.

You have to slide the head on various arches, both internally and externally, without exerting too much pressure. The cleaning times of various areas should not be too long: dividing the mouth into four quadrants, 30 seconds for each area, are more than enough for deep cleaning. Models equipped with timers make operations even easier.

Duration and Maintenance

The body of an electric toothbrush can last indefinitely, while the heads are periodically replaced to guarantee constant performance. In general, it is recommended to replace the heads every three months or so. The most advanced models are equipped with bristles that fade with time, visually signaling when changing them.

The best electric toothbrush for better oral hygiene

After this overview, you can now identify the best electric toothbrush that best suits your needs. Philips and Oral-B are the best brands available today, with undisputed quality products and prices starting from just over $20 for basic models to over $150 for more complete and advanced models.

To make the task easier and safer, these are the top 10 best models currently on the market, which can really guarantee superior oral hygiene.

Product prices and availability are subject to change. Therefore, any price and availability information displayed on Amazon at the time of purchase will apply to purchasing any products.

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